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来源:苏州冠德智能橡塑机械有限公司   更新时间:2018-10-24   本站关键词:苏州冷水机,苏州模温机,苏州冰水机


Thedouble-layer glass reaction kettle is mainly using the interlayer, theinjection temperature (hot or cold) thermosol medium or a cooling medium of thematerials in the reaction kettle, the constant temperature heating or cooling,and can provide agitation. Materials in the reaction kettle reaction, and cancontrol the reaction solution evaporation and reflux, after the reaction iscompleted and the material can be from the cauldron at the end of a dischargeport released. The operation is very convenient.


Doublelayer glass reaction kettle(www.fanyingfuw.com) in the work of the need to cool, then the coldwater machine will come in handy. Like glass reactor customers need watercooling system for its glass reactor cooling, the reaction volume is 2.5liters, the reaction time is 40S, the temperature from room temperature to 60degrees Celsius, the target temperature of 15~20.

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